So I have the only crush on Jackie Long.
Im gonna keep it all the way real, I didnt quite know who he was at first (I've never saw ATL, yea yea yea I know), but he came through security at JFK and everybody made a big deal. He came and went, but that's how most people go through security. I went on lunch, bought myself a salad with a fellow coworker and we looked for somewhere to sit in the food court. It was more packed than usual and we decided to opt for a seat at the table Mr. Long was sitting at. He was by himself so I asked if it was ok if we sat there, he didnt have any problem. He engaged in conversation with us about what was good to eat in there..and asked if we would watch his stuff as he ordered his He made eyes with me, but I had my glasses on and I wasnt feeling my hair, so I didnt holla *sad face*
Since then, I've sent him a friend request on myspace and I catch the latest new about him from the black gossip sites *sigh* Until we meet again Jackie Long.
[4:58 PM
Whenever I'm having a bad day, I'm going to turn to this post...lmaoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
@shaina do u know how many times dudes done asked me who that when it comes to you at work and online lol. if u only knew....
mmmmhmmmmm! Damn he looks good. I see you Mr. Long. (that sounded kinda porno starrish)
lol@you talking to Esquire
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