You know I never even looked at him twice. He was just tall and awkward to me. His name was Zeus. He had these dusty ass braids and this funny looking nose, ugh. He cut his hair and I still didn't care, although it did make his points go up...I made a note to tell him this. I heard from somebody that he was feeling me, I didn't give it much thought, he didn't act any different. I could care less anyway. We were cool to say the least. It was to my knowledge he had a girlfriend, it seems like they always do, but that's where it ended.. at least that's what I thought.
It was January, and Cee and I threw one of our first get togethers. A quick last minute invite through a mutual friend, and he was there. Everything was going smoothly, people seemed to be enjoying themselves, now it was time for me to have a little fun. We danced and somehow dancing turned into kissing. I didn't think anything of it, whats a little kissing? He wasn't tall and awkward anymore, was I really attracted to him now? We dipped off into my room for what I thought would be more kissing...We were nervous, we both know how people liked to talk. We thought our secret was safe. Somehow that night turned into rides home everyday after work, buying lunch for each other, spending nights at each others house, a trip to AC, and spending too much time with one another.
He had a girl, we talked about her, them, but still we kept on. Our "relationship" became the talk of the town, I guess a boy cant give a girl a ride home unless their having sex. The smear campaign began. Everybody had something to say, all of a sudden I was this and that...Zeus would tell me some of the things they would say. He never defended me, or told them to stop, I should've took heed then. Instead I empathized, I know how nasty men can be, more bitch than a woman. There was the comedy show incident, I guess it was subconsciously his way of letting everyone know I wasn't his girl, including me. I got upset about it, but still kept at it with him. He liked me and I liked him. We would talk about our feelings for one another, I don't think he remembers that part. He started telling all the guys that we no longer dealt and that we were just cool. Damn, it hurts to be denied.
[2:56 PM
wow! Strength Comes From Pain
so i guess the next time you see him, you're gonna smack the kufi off of him...right???...RIGHT??? lol...
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